Dear Lefties: Want Us To Get Along? It’s Simple.
Posted by Tom Naughton in People Are Nuts, PoliticsDear Lefties –
Here’s the difference between me and you:
I would never demand that the federal government confiscate a big chunk of your income and spend it on me.
I would never tell you what kind of insurance you’re allowed to buy.
If you own a business, I would never tell you what you must pay your employees or what benefits you must provide.
I would never demand that your schools force your kids to read books that promote my political beliefs.
I would never demand that you wear a worthless mask in public, or that you put those worthless masks on your kids. (I also wouldn’t try to stop you from putting masks on your kids, even though I consider it akin to child abuse.)
I would never prevent your doctor from prescribing a drug he or she believes could help you recover from COVID.
I would never prevent your pharmacist from filling that prescription.
If you own a business, I would never presume to tell you whether or not you’re allowed to keep it open.
I would never prevent you from patronizing a business, attending a concert, or getting on an airplane just because you don’t have a vaccine passport.
I would never demand that you risk the nasty side-effects of a COVID vaccine to make me feel a teensy bit safer.
You do all of the above. And yet in an era where pundits are constantly wringing their hands about the deep divisions among Americans, you think I’m the problem – because I won’t give in to your never-ending demands to control my income, my business, my travel, and my medical decisions.
If you’d really like us to get along, it’s simple: leave me the hell alone — as I do you.